learn with me

Melissa Therrien

meet your coach

Hi, I’m Melissa! I teach busy, motivated people how to turn their passion into an online business.

I also coach women to rediscover themselves so they can live the life they truly want.

I’m a business and personal development coach who can help you pivot in your life and career so you can live a more fulfilling life doing something you love.

After all, we only get this one wild and precious life.

why am I qualified to help you?

I’ve coached and mentored people throughout my entire career. I’ve always welcomed conversations about anything from career advancement, to having difficult conversations, to navigating complete life changes. I’ve served as a mentor and coach for countless individuals as they work toward their goals. I’ve also personally walked a path of self-rediscovery and reinvention to pivot in my own life and career, launching this online business at Live Each Day.

I have 23 years of business and leadership experience and an MBA. From a business perspective, I’ve led several profitable and successful initiatives over the past two decades, including a complete financial turnaround of a small hospital in my early career and a multi-million dollar division in a major cancer center for 18 years.

Whether you want to rediscover and reinvent yourself, pursue your goals and dreams that have been sitting idle for far too long, or turn your passion into an online business, I’m confident I can coach and mentor you to reach your goals so you can live a more fulfilling life.

Check out my free resources to get you started.

meet your coach

Hi, I’m Melissa! I teach busy, motivated people how to turn their passion into an online business.

I also teach women how to rediscover themselves so they can live the life they truly want.

I’m a business and personal development coach who can help you pivot in your career so you can live a more fulfilling life doing something you love.

After all, we only get this one wild and precious life.

free resources


Passion to Plan webinar

FREE Masterclass - Make Money Doing Something You Love

Attend a free masterclass that opens your eyes to endless possibilities for turning your passion into a successful online business. It’s possible – let me show you how.


journal prompts

50 Journal Prompts to get clear on what you want in life

Download these journal prompts to gain clarity on what you truly want in this one wild and precious life. Listen to your own thoughts, sink into your soul, and get super clear on your truest desires.


mindset shifts

10 Mindset Shifts to begin actively pursuing your goals

Download a value-packed freebie for 10 mindset shifts necessary for real progress on your most important life goals. 

A New Mindset = New Results

my courses & programs

Business Course & Coaching Program

Passion to Plan is my signature digital course & business coaching program designed as the ultimate guide and blueprint to turn your passion into a successful online business. 

By the end of this program, you will have a strong & clarified business idea, a well-defined action plan, momentum in your business, & the self-confidence you need to grow your passion-centered online business. I coach you through strategic planning and all your business start-up activities. You will:

Enrollment begins on October 1, 2024!

Personal Growth Membership

together we rise

Together We Rise is a personal growth and development coaching program. Join my membership community and receive monthly personal development coaching and access to content & resources that will further your personal growth and help you take action on your most important life goals and dreams.


Rediscovering You is a program for busy women who feel like they’ve lost themselves to motherhood, career, or in many cases – both. 

rediscovering myself

speaking engagements

As the Founder of a lifestyle brand, 23 years of leadership and business experience, and a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA), I have a broad range of expertise to offer your audience. If you need an engaging speaker for an in-person conference or seminar, I would be happy to consider your event. Possible topics include:

business resources

Melissa Therrien

Click below for my list of recommended software programs and other useful resources for your online business. 

recent live each day blog posts

The Wheel of Life worksheet is a self-reflection exercise and life assessment tool often used as a starting point in setting new life goals.

When we're trying to balance family and career, it can be a challenge to take action on our other goals. I've created this daily goals worksheet to faciltate the pursuit of our goals and dreams.

Are you assessing your life goals? This article is packed with resources to help you, including several worksheets for setting life goals.

Check out this list of side hustles for working moms so you can make extra money while doing something you love and maybe ditch the 9-5 grind.

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Join the Live Each Day community. Enter your email and I’ll drop weekly inspiration into your inbox – recipes, positive vibes and authentic thoughts to keep it real. We all need community & connection right now. Come be a part of ours.