Random Thoughts, Fabulous Links and a Question

Random Thoughts, Fabulous Links and a Question


Random Thoughts

Because well, we always have a lot on our minds.

Yorkies and mom meltdowns.

~ I used to think I would never own a pet. Ever. One more time for emphasis – NEVER, EVER. I have an extremely busy lifestyle – the last thing I thought I needed was a pet. My daughter has wanted a puppy since the day she started to talk. I think she wanted a dog so badly she could almost feel his soft fur in her daydreams.

What happened? I gave in, we got a puppy. The first 6 months were an extreme form of torture. For real. Puppy remorse is a thing, a real live thing. What happened next? The kids adored him, I pushed through those early stages with grit and determination (not a lot of grace), and eventually fell in love with our Yorkie. I now own a pet. I own a pet and I’m deeply in love with him. I’m better because of it. The End. Never say never…ever.

The happiest place on Earth is not Disney.

~ Does anyone else feel like the happiest place on earth is not Disney? God no, it is not Disney. The happiest place on earth for me is my kids’ sporting events. You will find me on basketball courts, soccer fields, baseball and softball fields for a disproportionate share of my life. I’m pretty sure I’ve spent a sum total of at least 4 years of my life so far on the sidelines of a field or on the bleachers of a court. It is for certain my happiest place on earth.

Packing lunches and contemplating the meaning of life.

~ For those of you dedicated kid lunch packers out there, you will understand this daily grind. As I was packing lunches for my kids the other morning, I started calculating in my head the number of lunches I’ve packed throughout my kids’ childhood years. Do you want to know the number? My estimate is 5,604. For real. I’ll be over here contemplating the meaning of life.

And then, I discovered the meaning of life.

~ 30 minutes after writing this segment, I was making my 5,605th kid lunch. Two of my kids were loading the car to head off to school and my youngest son, age 7, was helping me close up lunch boxes.

As I was hurriedly peeling and slicing his apple as the last item to go into his lunchbox before we raced off to school, he looked at me and lovingly said, “mommy, thank you for packing my lunch every day. I really appreciate it. I only like to eat the lunches you make.”

Now I have at least a portion of my answer to the meaning of life. Small, daily acts of kindness for the people you love the most, add up to a whole lot of love. These seemingly insignificant (and exceedingly monotonous daily tasks), get noticed when you least expect it. A mother’s love is thoughtfully and carefully woven through every.single.thing.she.does. Even packing lunches.

A cruciverbalist and a great grandfather.

~ Do you know what a person who creates crossword puzzles is called? A cruciverbalist. When I was 6 or 7 years old, my great grandfather gave me the best little bit of advice. He told me, “If you ever really need to remember something, say it to yourself three times immediately before you go to bed.”

He proceeded to explain that if you repeat something to yourself three times right before you fall asleep, you will never forget it. My great grandfather then said, “here – let’s give it a try so I can show you this really works. The person who creates a crossword puzzle is called a cruciverbalist. Now say ‘cruciverbalist’ three times before you go to bed tonight.” That was over 37 years ago and I was only a small child at the time. I’ve never forgotten.

Fabulous Links

Here are are few fabulous links from around the web because well, we love cool things and we also love to laugh.

Are you preparing to plant flower or vegetable gardens? Check out Eden Brothers. They have quite literally hundreds of seeds to begin planting your garden. Eden Brothers carries seeds for flowers, wildflowers, vegetables and herbs. They carry heirloom seeds and organic seeds. You will also find flower bulbs and perennials.

If you are an avid gardener, you will love the Eden Brothers website. It’s full of gardening resources, educational articles, and everything you need to get ready for spring planting. They have free shipping over $79 and you receive 10% off your first order with an email sign-up. I’m head over heels in love with Eden Brothers articles, products and resources. You will fall in love too. That is of course, only if you’re a gardener.

Do you like modern farmhouses? This farmhouse is incredible. Check it out on Instagram or watch this video tour on Youtube. The owner has a blog and online business at The Old Barn. I love a beautiful modern farmhouse, but I deeply love seeing people live their passion. Check it out for design inspiration or to admire this woman living her dream.

This video is hilarious. They mom so hard. You’re welcome.

A Question for you…

Here is a question for you because well, we should always be asking ourselves questions.

When you are in the solace of your own thoughts and the world feels completely still around you, what is one thought that replays in your mind?

Drop a comment below and let us know what comes up for you in those moments. It’s ok, we’re all friends here. I’ll go first for good measure.

In the sheer silence while in the depths of my own thoughts, this is what is often on replay for me – I really hope everything turns out ok. Like, literally everything. And then I go down the rabbit hole of thinking about everything. Literally everything.

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~ m ~

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