These self worth affirmations are dedicated to all of you trying to pursue your passions, make your dreams a reality, and live each day. I see you.
Self worth is a deeply personal topic. Self love and having a sense of strong self worth is an inside job. Sometimes even the most confident and successful people need reminders of their own self worth. This is particularly true if you are trying to step out of your comfort zone and do something impactful, meaningful and bold, like pursuing your passion, starting a business, or making other big, bold life-changing decisions.
In Pursuit of Ourself
Sometimes when we step outside our comfort zone and take action toward a big, bold endeavor in pursuit of our dreams, self doubt can begin to creep in. We might face imposter syndrome and have thoughts like, “who am I to do this”, “I’m not sure what I have to offer is unique enough”, “will anyone really want to hear what I have to say”, and other negative feelings. We can question our worthiness and have negative beliefs that impact our ability to move toward what we know we really want in this one wild and precious life.
I’ve written this list of positive affirmations to help when you feel negative energy begin to affect you. Use these simple, yet powerful affirmations, as a way to shift toward positive thinking. Building self worth is the continual active management of your thoughts, beliefs and mindset.
Daily affirmations can be a powerful tool to help start each day with a positive mindset. Take a deep breath and repeat your favorite self love affirmations as a great way to begin every single day.
Self worth affirmations are intended to acknowledge your worth for simply being who you are. They are positive statements that serve as reminders of your inherent value and worth as a human being.
“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” ~ Buddha
What is Self Worth?
Merriam Webster defines self worth as, “a feeling you are a good person who deserves to be treated with respect.” Essentially it is a sense of true inherent worthiness and value simply for being alive, for being human and for existing in this world.
The distinction between self-worth and self-esteem is characterized by Dr. Christina Hibbert as, “Self-esteem is what we think and feel and believe about ourselves. Self-worth is recognizing ‘I am greater than all of those things.’ It is a deep knowing that I am of value, that I am loveable, necessary to this life, and of incomprehensible worth.” (2013)
We all go through times in our lives when our self worth and self esteem could use a boost. Life sure can pack a good punch sometimes and when life isn’t going our way, it can be a natural tendency to be self critical and too harsh on ourselves. In those times, or in times when your self-worth could use some love, use these positive self worth affirmations to remind yourself of your innate worth.
If you would rather not have a bunch of sticky notes posted everywhere, download these self worth affirmations so you can keep the list on your desk, on your fridge, or in any other convenient location where you can see these positive thoughts often.
But First, Some Basic Principles on Self Worth and Confidence:
Before we get to the following self-love affirmations, here are a few basic foundational principles about self worth.
- Identify and challenge your negative beliefs about yourself.
- Meet yourself where you are.
- Identify all of your positive attributes. There are many, I promise you.
- Engage in positive relationships with others and release negative people and toxic relationships.
- For the love of all that is true and holy, stay off social media. Instead, go outside and breathe in the fresh air. Hear your thoughts and feel your feelings.
- Chart your own life path. Don’t compare yourself to others. Your life is your own.
- Self confidence is something that you have to actively build over time.
- Your self worth, self esteem, and confidence will grow when you focus on your own personal development.
50 Self Worth Affirmations to Build Confidence and Self Esteem
Affirmations for Self Worth and Self Love
1. I have unique talents, gifts and abilities to offer the world that no one else can offer in the exact same way that I can.
2. I’m worthy of a good life. I have the right to pursue my deepest passions and my most meaningful life.
3. I am worthy of any and all success that comes my way.
4. Even if my life is beautiful right now, it’s ok that I want more. I am worthy of wanting to reach my highest potential.
5. I’m a good person who deserves to live in peace with myself and I will make the decisions that are best for my life.
6. The world needs my uniqueness. I have something to offer this world that no one else can offer in the same way.
7. I release myself from the versions of me I created just to survive. I’m worthy of thriving in my life, not just surviving each day.
8. I give unconditional love to others, of course I deserve my own unconditional love too.
9. Literally no one has life all figured out. Every human being is continually learning and I am too.
10. I’m the greatest project I will ever work on. I will take my time and create magic.
11. I have the inner strength to accomplish great things.
12. I’m worthy of love, peace and happiness.
13. I will invest as much energy into loving myself as I invest into everyone else around me. I’m worth it.
14. I do not need to achieve anything to be worthy of love. I am worthy of love simply for who I am, not what I do.
15. Harsh self criticism will not propel me toward my goals. Self love will.
Affirmations for Self Confidence
16. I will live in this day, in this moment.
17. Building confidence is hard work. There’s no better investment of my time, energy, and resources than in myself. There is sure to be a positive return on that investment.
18. I am the only version of me on this earth.
19. I am in control of my life and I’m capable of making wise decisions about what is best for me.
20. The world needs my unique talents and gifts. I have something to offer this world.
21. I’ll dream my life as if I’ll live to be 100. I’ll live my life as if the day I wake up is the only one I get.
22. I am human. Every human is a continual work in progress.
23. I have already done many hard things and I have survived 100% of my hard days so far. I can and will continue to do so.
24. I’m worthy of love, peace and happiness in my life and I recognize that I have to create those things. It’s an inside job.
25. The world needs my value and contributions.
Affirmations for Self Trust
26. Everyone has bad days. I trust that the universe knows what it’s doing. I’ll continue to show up and work through difficult times and trust that I also know what I’m doing and where I’m going.
27. Every day is a new beginning – a fresh, new start to think new thoughts about myself.
28. I trust myself to make good decisions for my own life.
29. I trust my inner knowing of who I am.
30. Perhaps my behaviors need to change or improve, but they do not make me who I am. I am not defined by my behaviors. Everyone is a work in progress. I am too.
31. I have inherent value exactly the way I am, even before I work on the things I need to improve.
Affirmations for Releasing Other’s Opinions of You
32. The only worthwhile comparison is to myself yesterday.
33. I am right where I need to be. Life is not a race against each other.
34. I will say exactly what I mean and be exactly who I am. I will strive to speak my truth when I feel it’s safe to do so and I’ll allow the chips to fall where they may. However, I also reserve the right to keep my thoughts to myself until I feel it’s time to speak up.
35. The only approval I need is from myself.
36. I am worthy of respect from others for simply being a good person.
37. My inner peace is more important than any outside opinion.
38. I will define my own measures of success and will not measure myself or my self-worth against other people’s standards or expectations of me.
39. I do not need validation from other people to validate my worth. Every person walks their own path. I will walk mine.
Affirmations for Separating Self Worth from Productivity
40. I do not need to wait to reach some major milestone in my life, I can choose to be happy with myself right now, exactly as I am today.
41. I separate my self-worth from my work and achievements. They are not what make me worthy. The kind of human being I am makes me worthy of love and respect. I am worthy no matter my achievements.
42. I will take one day at a time, one step at a time.
43. A little progress each day adds up to big results over time. I will take as long as I need.
44. I am inherently worthy, not because of what I do, but because of who I am.
45. To everything there is a season. Things will take however long they need to take.
46. I am more than the sum of all the roles in my life. I may be a mother, wife, daughter, friend, business owner, employee, leader (insert any other role you have) and these roles are important. However, my worth and value is not derived from all the things I do for other people. My value comes from simply being who I am, not just for doing what I do.
47. I understand that you need me. I also need me.
48. My bad habits do not define me. I can keep working to do better. I am an ongoing work in progress (and so is everyone else).
49. My productivity does not equal my self worth.
50. I will reset, re-adjust, re-start, and re-focus as many times as I need to.
Quotes on Self Worth, Self-love & Trusting Oneself
“To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.” ~ Robert Morely
“Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.” ~ Louise L. Hay
“We think we procrastinate but the cosmos unfold with immaculate timing. We are always exactly on time.” ~ Almine via Lucifelle
“When the time comes for you to make a change or to grow, the entire universe will make you so uncomfortable you will eventually have no choice.” ~ Iyanla Vanzant
“Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one’s own sunshine.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
“When we long for a life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure.” ~ Peter Marshall
“I have already settled it for myself so flattery and criticism go down the same drain and I am quite free.” ~ Georgia O’Keefe
“Trust the next chapter because you are the author.” ~ Unknown
“Stop asking for directions to places they’ve never been.” ~ Glennon Doyle
“Talk to yourself like someone you love.” ~ Brene Brown
“You alone are enough, you have nothing to prove to anybody.” ~ Dr. Maya Angelou
“The real difficulty in self love is combating the inner critic who goes against our own wishes by challenging our own beliefs. You know you’re worthy of love, but the critic keeps reminding you of the past pain that you can’t let go of.” ~ Anonymous
“Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! Shout loud ‘I am lucky to be what I am.’” ~ Dr. Seuss
A Few More Words on Self Worth & Self Love
Positive self worth affirmations are a good starting point and are a simple way to begin incorporating more positivity and self love into your life. Building self confidence is a journey…a lifelong process. Each person will take a different approach to this. Choose your own affirmations that resonate with you.
Positive changes are made one small incremental step at a time. Developing your own inherent sense of self worth and self confidence will pave the way to a beautiful life by opening doors that you never thought possible. Amazing things will start to happen with a positive outlook, positive attitude, and high self esteem.
As you move through your own self-love journey, use these simple affirmations as part of your morning mindfulness routine as a powerful way to begin your day.
If negative self-talk and negative thoughts are replaying in your mind on a continual loop reinforcing low self-esteem, post this list of positive self-confidence affirmations where you can see them daily. One of the best ways to build self confidence is to manage your own thoughts.
If you feel a deep sense of low self-worth or low self esteem, or feel that your mental health is suffering, please seek the services of a trained mental health professional. It’s ok to need more support. We all go through difficult times and a trained professional can help us get to a better place.
Resources for Building Self Confidence
Download a printable version of this list of 50 Self Worth Affirmations and keep it somewhere you will see it daily
Get a free e-book by this author – 20 Ways to More Fully Live Each Day
Listen to Susie Moore’s podcast
Read this article in Entrepreneur that recommends the top 8 books for building self confidence.